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- DUp 🚀 Issue 155 > DesignUp's BIG event alert!! AI-AI-and-some-more-AI (and some not-AI eye candy too)
DUp 🚀 Issue 155 > DesignUp's BIG event alert!! AI-AI-and-some-more-AI (and some not-AI eye candy too)
We have a bunch of exciting stuff, ideas and inspiration packed in this issue. But first - we have DesignUp’s Big Event Alert - and it’s unlike anything you’ve experienced before. Read on…
🚀 DesignUp Big Event Alert!
It’s here, finally. We’ve have been getting multiple questions on “when’s the next DesignUp?” and we have an answer - November 24, (Friday) 2023 in Namma Bengaluru.

What’s #StepUpTo24 you ask? 2020 to 2023 have been a roller coaster ride for most of us, partners and friends and colleagues: rise & fall, losses and gains, twists and turns - of health, jobs, money, career & more. Design is an expression for many of the visible and invisible forces responsible for these changes. This event helps you connect the dots, fill in the gaps, find inspiration, expand your network and #StepUpTo24 with pizzazz!!!
#StepUpTo24 is provocative, peppy, packed with insights. Unlike your UI/UX-conferences-as-usual. 24 speakers and experts, 24 insights and ideas, 24 takes and takeaways and all packaged in less than 24 hours. And it’s being designed for being affordability. Early Bird ticket sales start in less than a week (we may be ready by Friday the 13th, fingers crossed - you heard it here first).
🌏️ Around the Web
Meanwhile, AI is everywhere, and how are companies adopting it? Small companies might leverage advantages typically reserved for big companies with the help of AI, says Scott Belsky, but what’s behind the low adoption of generative AI in enterprises? In these turbulent times, Om Malik remembers Steve Jobs, and Reid Hoffman discusses a humanist point of view on generative AI on the On Being podcast.
🧰 Your Toolkit
đź’– Eye Candy
Designed by the agency The First The Last, the website If An A-Bomb Falls used animation, illustrations, and the presentation of the A-bomb history, to convey the consequences and horrors that can follow the use of nuclear weapons.

gif by @escooler
🍀 Stay connected, stay inspired and see you soon!