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DesignUp 🚀 Issue #42 > Design, Mind-Hijacking, Ethics and more...

Design and psychology have always made for a heady mix. Add to it tech and the mix becomes addictive mind-hacking material. Here's a deeper look at the patterns, implications and ethics. Plus Ux courses online and what Ux means for the world of AI...

A slot machine in a billion pockets! Is Google's former Design Ethicist exaggerating? This read is a deep dive into many patterns that distract, digress and possibly turn us into addicts while giving an illusion of choice

NYT says that the uber-secretive Uber is "arguably the biggest and most sophisticated player in inducing workers to serve its corporate goals". And it may not be alone - here's a sneak peek behind the scenes.

[video] Nir Eyal, best known for his book Hooked, pokes at the other end of the spectrum: about putting technology in its place and managing digital distractions to increase focus.

And more...

Here's one handy place with 14 (not 10 as the headline says) online courses to get to 'learn UX'

Until next week,