DesignUp 🚀 Issue #38 > The IxDA Redux Issue +Tangible Data

It's been the first long break from my newsletter - transition to a new role and a quick dash half-way across the world to IxDA's Interaction 17 in NYC is partly the reason. Partly, some re-thinking on the focus of the newsletter.

This issue is skewed heavily on key takeaways from Interaction17. Enjoyed sensing/hearing the ying/yang of topics from tech (VR, AI and MachineLearning) to more humane Design interventions in community, governance and more.

Apart from a good all-round wrap up of interestingness, this also has a nice pic from one of my favourite talks—Tony Chu’s Design in a World Where Machines are Learning

Once again, from #Interaction17 - a highly recommended talk from the man who put Design Thinking on the cover page of Harvard Business Review [Video, 35 mins]

A good round up from the folks who bring us This article leads to more takeaways from Day 2, 3 and the Interaction Awards.

And others....

I really like graphic, visual and cute things. But unfortunately I don’t have the talent in drawing, with hand at least. And therein lies the story of drawing with interesting read

This is a much discussed, debated and written about topic and refuses to die down anytime soon. Liked Aditya's pragmatic take!

Until next week,

PS: A quick plug - if you're interested in starting an IxDA chapter in Asia/Oceania apply here!