DesignUp 🚀 Issue #37 > Design with words, Designing words

#UxWriting #Words #Localisation #BusinessOfWords #Pain #OKRs #GoalSetting

This one is the Ux writing issue—a bunch of things I found helpful in developing my understanding of writing for screens and smaller attention spans. Plus life beyond OKRs and more.

"Writing is a form of art", but then "there’s also a science to writing. Data can inform writing choices and help us think more objectively about what we write."

Special shout out to Tamara for "a brief roundup of UX-writing philosophy and tactical approaches I’ve found helpful in improving my own writing for web, mobile, and TV interfaces"

The story of "launching Zomato in Turkey, Brazil, and Indonesia–countries where English wasn’t the first language–which meant we’d have to translate our app and website as part of our localisation efforts."

The second of Saito's article talks about writing where "where brevity beats brilliance, and every character counts". After all, writing text for interface can be like "designing words for people who hate to read."

Medium is the most obvious place for those who love words and ideas and have a story to share. It recently went through layoffs and here's the much circulated note on a company trying to build a business model around words. "We believe people who write and share ideas should be rewarded on their ability to enlighten and inform, not simply their ability to attract a few seconds of attention."

Plus two more...

Post an incredible, applauded presentation at the NH44 DeSchool, by Ranga aka LiquidInk, couldn't help but comment on the countless hours of pain behind the fleeting pleasure of seeing your work featured, applauded. And then I stumbled upon this so very apt article. Delightful serendipity...

In the mid-1980s, Andy Grove at Intel and Gary Kennedy at Oracle started playing with traditional models for setting goals at companies. But times, they are a changin...

Until next week,
