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  • DesignUp 🚀 Issue #36 > You're being used, CES, Looking back/ahead

DesignUp 🚀 Issue #36 > You're being used, CES, Looking back/ahead

#You'reTheProduct #RobotSecretary #AI #CES2017 #Bestof2016 #PromisesOf2017 #TweetOfTheWeek

This is that cusp issue—between the end of one week and the beginning of the next. After 35 dispatches, this issue has been stumping me - its meant to be UxPowerUp Issue #36 though stubbornly keeps popping my name up, the good folks @Revue have been briefed... Fingers crossed!

Anywho, as often, it's varied—from a detailed walkthrough of the recently concluded CES17 to Robot Secretaries and the theme that refuses to die down even though we just left behind the 2nd week of Jan: looking back at 2016 and forecasting for 2017...

"Your smartphone has two jobs.

On one hand, it was hired by you to accomplish certain tasks. In the scheme of things, it's a screaming bargain and a miracle.

But most of the time, your phone works for corporations, assorted acquaintances and large social networks. They've hired it to put you to work for them. You're not the customer, you're the product.

Your attention and your anxiety is getting sold, cheap.

When your phone grabs your attention, when it makes you feel inadequate, when it pushes you to catch up, to consume and to fret, it's not working for you, is it?

On demand doesn't mean you do things when the device demands."

A longish read on the experience of dealing with a robot secretary—from sorting, negotiating the tedious task of scheduling to feeling the joy of having "people of my own".


Wish we could say the same of us and our teams...

From the CES2017

A visual guide to "the 50 most wondrous, want-able and occasionally wacky gadgets" from the Consumer Electronics Show 2017. Curated by CNet.

A more indepth review from CES 2017, this report is "a walk around the show floor and themes of the show from one person’s perspective"— Steven Sinofsky's. "This edition was about execution and iteration, and there was a lot of those on display."

Looking ahead, looking back

"UX is no longer just about user experience. It’s about social justice. 2016 raised the stakes, didn’t it?" If you're wondering what/why—here we go...

"All the bubbling trends and high points of the year…" from an UXer's perspective!

"Before writing the first chapter of Harry Potter, J. K. Rowling planned for seven years at Hogwarts." Here's to why looking ahead matters...

Until next week,
