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  • DesignUp 🍏 Issue #119 > At-Home Covid tests, Your influence toolkit, Emoji City & more

DesignUp 🍏 Issue #119 > At-Home Covid tests, Your influence toolkit, Emoji City & more

It's been such a disheartening week with war breaking out in Ukraine. Though tech's role in this war is unclear, Ukraine has a large tech industry, and there's a fair chance you could have colleagues or friends there who have been affected.

Meanwhile, in the rest of the world, we can do what we can, to influence what we can. Opportunities abound for thoughtful design intervention, as we see in the At-home Covid Test packaging that raises interesting questions about packaging and healthcare, need vs want.

Also in this issue, some essential strategies for your day-to-day work - a useful framework to design for trustworthy respectful experiences, growing your UX Research team, and expanding your influence as a designer.

🦠 Design

On/Go's packaging presents itself as a choice rather than a necessity and nudges consumers towards "instant credibility". Is it time to think about dark patterns for healthcare packaging?

πŸ₯· For Your Toolkit

Starting with strategy and vision, Janelle Ward provides accessible wisdom for research managers looking to build their teams.

Using cues from human relationship models, here's a framework to help craft an experience that helps to build trust with the user.

What is this elusive "influence" that designers need, to grow in their careers? Jeremy Bird breaks it down with Kellogg's framework of influential capital.

🍏 Eye Candy

When you need a little inspiration boost, let your mind wander through this delightful rabbit hole!

The multidisciplinary artist examines the ways we construct identity in the 21st century, with hand-embroidered family portraits on pure silk.

A fun Blender exploration by Ahmed Hussien.

🌿Stay strong and stay inspired,