Design@SAIF - Issue #9

This week we have a super condensed list: 3 refreshing, interesting reads covering voice interfaces, (the dreaded) redesign and permissions, permissions, permissions!

This week Mary Meeker's released her annual 'internet' trend report. "Unsurprisingly, Meeker devotes a significant chunk of the report to voice UI. It’s a refreshing (and in some cases, surprising) look at the numbers". And this article distills the insights and the highlights.

Few things strike as much dread and fear product companies as this one word: Redesign! "There was a time when Microsoft Word came out with a new version at the same cadence as the Olympics, but that time has passed. [...] There’s a shorter runway to extend design systems now; the unit of time is weeks not years." So heres a rather longish read on how Asana stopped worrying and learned to love the inevitable redesign!

Permission strategist on board? Even if you haven't got one (not that I know anyone with that title) its time to plan to plug the permissions leak: losing customers to unclear, intrusive and scary permissions, sometimes asked out-of-context. Interesting short read!

Until next week,@jdallcaps @SAIFpartners