Design@SAIF - Issue #6

Lets say this is the most colourful issue we've had till date—and great for UI and UX folks - and for those trying to tell the difference between the two. And our cover image? Read on...

Don't get daunted by the words "object-oriented, programming-inspired approach".  Plod through this bunch of actionable ideas for people who design UI (or are thinking of doing so). And if you're starting out - these may be a good set of habits to acquire!

Who do you want to hire? UI, UX, Visual Designer, Product Designer, UX Researcher, Motion Designer? And who is supposed to do what? This is a handy guide to evolving design nomenclature in the industry. And there's the bonus: "How Apple, Facebook, Google, and more tech-world heavyweights describe their design jobs."

What's the highest level of user experience that your organization or product can achieve? Explore the world of HX—the Human Experience. 

The cover page for this issue is from the rebrand of Oi, a SouthAfrican Telecom brand. Apart from the fact that 2 rival agencies came together to create this - what makes it remarkable is the use of sound & motion to create a brand that is distinct, memorable and yet not consistent in some ways (yes I did say that - inconsistent!)

Stumbled upon interestingness? Don't keep it a secret...

Until next week,JD @jdallcaps from @saifpartners