Design For Startups - Issue #31

This week's newsletter isn't late - it's a new cadence!

Mid-week is what a majority of you voted for, in response to my question on twitter :)

Besides work and travel, a pitch session at my son's school (yes, they're pitching way early these days), the last week was spent getting feedback from DesignUp attendees (we trained a chatbot), marvelling at AirBnB's launch of trips (we're not a data or Ai or IoT company, they seemed to say loud and clear). Besides catching up on this quick, a neat round up of DesignUp by Arushi from Microsoft, and looking up retro styled futuristic/fantasy travel posters!

So here are week's roundup of usefulness and interestingness, and a wicked plan to read more...

The Economist isn't exactly known for writing about Design, but here's a rare one written by Starck. And glad that the symbol isn't up for redesign, not yet ;-) 

What happens to ecommerce recommendations when a system might be able to infer things about your taste from your Instagram or Facebook photos, without needing tags or purchase history - when it can see your purchase history in your selfies?

Not exactly the most readable format but worth an attempt at plodding through it. Marc Shillum, founder of Chief Creative Office, explains why product designers must rethink the way they capture consumer attention.

Not strictly Design...

SO much to read, so little time? Here's a simple, wicked plan - but consistency is the key (it always is, isn't it?)

Until next week,

@JDallcaps @SAIFpartners