Design For Startups - Issue #29

Hope you had a fantastic Diwali break - and though the aftermath may not have been best for the environment (esp in and around NCR and the jury is out on the possible causes), I bet a break is always welcome. This post-Diwali newsletter is a tad longer—with thought pieces, action pieces and pointing at some interesting digital tools! Let me know if you adopt any of these new tools or processes and end up writing/talking about it - share the learning :-)

Back to the future

"Every now and then, it’s a fun and healthy challenge to think distantly." My favourites include the (virtual) Land grab in the the world of augmented reality and Passive Social!

Talking about future forecasts, it's always fun to look back on articles in the past that tried to look ahead (make a note to revisit Scott Belsky's article in a few years). This is one such article from the Stratechery archives, talking of the then-forthcoming MacBook Air as an attempt to bridge the gap between 'PC' and mobile. Confusing? The read is simpler...

An interesting thought piece (as often) from Ben Evans, on the "evolution beyond ‘mobile first’. What happens if you just forget about the PC altogether? But also, what happens if you forget about feature phones? What happens if you presume all of the sophistication that a modern smartphone has and a PC does not..." A notable companion to the Stratechery piece.

Continuous learning

Nick Schaden of Envato on a "continuous delivery model (that) enables our team to ship several times a day."

Tools, tools and tools

I look forward to seeing many of you at the Ux Now event in Delhi this Friday, and at the DesignUp Conference coming weekend in Bangalore...

Until then,

@JDallcaps @SAIFpartners

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